Sunday, May 24, 2009

UPA Returns

Results of the 15th Lok Sabha Elections have been out since seven or eight days now and the political magic/mania has not subsided at all. All the editorials or columns of the past month or so in one way or the other mention the elections or the people's mandate in an almost identical manner. There are certain details and observations which one would find in almost all such articles. First being the stability factor, the standard phrase being -- “the verdict of the people has shown that they want a stable government.” Second undoubtedly being the magnanimous integrity that the PM holds in the eyes of the nation, whose "commitment to the nation and honesty is above reproach or question". The third is definitely the Rahul Gandhi factor and how is a not your run-off-the-mill politician and how his subtle yet patient work has reaped results that no one had quite predicted.

I am most interested in the Rahul factor. His suave mannerisms have caught the fancy of the urban as well as the rural voter. Not your stereotype politician, he is ready to wait for his turn to come and till then committed towards focussing on workings of the youth brigade of his party.

Isn’t it quite remarkable how the three people at the helm of affairs of our nation have all been once considered naïve and reluctant politicians? Sonia Gandhi, when she first entered politics was rebuked for her accented Hindi, which she now fluently speaks at public gatherings; otherwise also her naiveté was jeered at mercilessly before and little after the UPA victory of 2004. The PM, we all know is for a fact an Economist, a former RBI Governor and someone who would rather be doing the works than merely be seen bringing down the opposition with his eloquent speeches. And then we have Rahul Gandhi, about whom enough has been said and written this past week or so.

But one thing I wonder all this while, what if the UPA had not won? Would we have been reading about how the same sloganeering, propaganda and advertisements by the BJP worked and how people were really voted for change? Then perhaps the PM would have been again termed weak and his policies lambasted? Rahul Gandhi would have been thwarted and his rural trips made fun of? Who knows? All the ideas that today we have formed, now that we know the results, would have stood no ground had the verdict been different.

For now, lets be happy that UPA was given an extended opportunity. 


  1. but neha i dont think BJP COULD possibly have won. i think it is an insult and embarassment that out of the two main dominant parties of the largest democracy of the world one is racist, regionalist and outrageously moronic. i think even the media knows that and they would have still supported congress ( or atleast should have ). it would have been an outrage if bjp had won. although if we think about it, the educated voter didnt really have a CHOICE apart from having to choose UPA since there is no third party powerful enough and wise at the same time to offer a strong competition. i m not saying that congress is a bad choice. it is just the lesser of all evils. like andhon mein kaana raja

  2. Ofcourse.. not many believed BJP could win this time.. their campaign was blatantly reeled with negativity and hatred but even lesser would have believed that Congress would get such a huge number. Anyway.. mine was just imagination let loose as i had been reading so much about the win from so many columnists and writers and all of them seemed to have formed their opinions 'after' the results were out..which is like coming up with a theory after the future is certain.
    I think what the average voter voted for was the Prime Minister and his/her belief in the PM's commitment to the nation.

  3. yeah. your observation about the newspapers is right. i think that instead of formulating a right opinion some of them just try to write what they think people will like to read.
